To search the census records, you must know the individual’s name, address, election district, and ward. For more information, go to the front page for link.

Write to Vital Records Section, Certification Unit, PO Box 2602, Albany, New York 12220-2602. See front page for links to the City of Buffalo Records.īirth Records may also be obtained from the State of New York, Department of Health. Birth Records may also be researched at the Town or City in which the person was born: For those born in the City of Buffalo, a request may be made by contacting the City of Buffalo, Vital Records, 1302 City Hall, 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo NY 14202. You must come in person to research the microfilmed records in the Clerk’s Office, as there are no available personnel to perform this service.

Birth Recordsīirth Records from Septem– Decemfor the City of Buffalo ONLY Delayed Birth Certificates No Index available. The Erie County Clerk's Office keeps microfilm for certain genealogical records available for viewing in our Basement Record Room located at 92 Franklin Street during regular office hours.